Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Program - Available Online & Penrith Clinic
When I was at Uni, the training we received in weight loss wasn't the best. In fact, in hindsight, it was so un-inspiring I said then, I don't want to work in weight loss. I want to work in gut health and mental health. Nevertheless, I found myself doing the training 4.5 years ago for Metabolic Balance, a weight loss program that was founded in Germany by a doctor and his wife (a nutritionist) who wanted to help their clients struggling with weight gain and metabolic disorders. My husband encouraged me to do it purely for us to lose weight. But it blew my mind. It all made so much sense! It was completely scientifically sound and yet so simple in its implementation.
Fast forward 2 years and here I am. I still specialise in gut health. I love mental health... but little did I realise back in my Uni days that most people struggling with gut issues want to lose weight too. Most people carrying excess weight, have some form of gut issues, reflux or chronic allergies...
I have been slow to launch this part of my business as I was unsure... but sometimes the powers that be have their own plans. I had a number of clients seek me out, wanting to do Metabolic Balance with a local practitioner based in Penrith, and I was blown away with their results, not just with weight loss, I'd already experienced weight loss with MB personally myself, but in the 'other' improvements. So I kept going.
Improved energy, sleep, reduced pain are just some of the things I hear. Decrease in allergies and virtually eradication of reflux also. Recently I had a client start MB who had chronic pain so severe that it effected their cognition and they couldn't drive a car. I wasn't sure how we would go as they could only get to our appointments if they had someone to drive them purely because their mind couldn't function to drive properly. We started MB, 2 weeks into the program they came in for their appointment and said to me ' I don't even care if I've lost weight, my pain has decreased and I CAN THINK!! I've been driving all over the city all week'.
I cried.
This is because eating whole healing foods that are the right foods for you leads to decrease in inflammation, regulation of glucose and improved insulin sensitivity... this has a flow on effect to our hormones, our immune cells our gut health... and more.
This is not dieting.
This is not restrictive eating. This is nourishing your body with healing foods and in most cases people are increasing what they're eating.
So now I've launched a the Metabolic Balance Group Program - and its even better - private Facebook group for members only, weekly zoom calls with a group of people on the same journey, sharing, encouraging and cheering each other on. Monthly one-on-one's with me. Education so you can actually understand the way healthy eating actually works. I love it!
More info on this is on my website.
(or PM me for for a chat)