Hair Tissue Mineral Testing - ADHD / ASD / ODD

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a test I’m coming to love more and more.  HTMA is a quantitative test that measures the mineral composition of hair, (precise to parts per million). It is a safe and non-invasive test that reflects the level of nutrients and toxic elements in body tissue.

It is regarded by many integrative doctors, naturopaths, nutritional therapists and vets as one of the most valuable screening tools available in everyday and preventative health care.

Historically, it’s been used to assess for heavy metal exposure, and therefore is regularly used on children with ADHD or with emotional regulation issues and we frequently see high copper as well as heavy metals.  I am seeing a lot of high Cadmium and Copper for ADHD.   I see a lot of heavy metals in ASD , particularly Mercury, also and emotional regulation is often improved once addressed. 


These two pictures below are the same child 1 year apart.  ADHD + ODD + Anxiety + Depression.  Anti depressants had been prescribed, blood testing and HTMA for nutrient deficiencies and a gut healing program commenced.  Six months later medications were slowly reduced and another 6 months later HTMA was re-done.  As you can see, copper has come right down, zinc has come up, heavy metals have reduced and minerals have improved.  Mood had also improved and stabilised, no more anxiety evident, gut was functioning well with no more constipation, major improvements in energy, mood, oppositional traits and emotional outbursts also greatly improved.

Hair Tissue Mineral Testing for ADHD - before and after pictures

Numerous other tests done for ADHD, I’ve shared 7 different identified test results on my social pages different kids/teens. 

As you can see there are definite consistent patterns that I see.  Sometimes high iron is an issue and sometimes low copper. Heavy metals are usually a driving factor.  Iron, zinc and copper are essential for health, too little and we have signs of deficiency, too much and… well, they are all metals. We will have signs of toxicity.   Unfortunately heavy metals cross placenta and they cross blood brain barrier.

Exposure can be from water sources - tank and tap. Cigarette smoke, living or working near mines, agricultural chemicals, FISH (mercury), rice (arsenic), and let’s just say, we have no idea what hell is in vapes!

As pollution increases so does exposure and so does our liver burden.

The amazing news is that our bodies have amazing detox capabilities and with the right support we can eliminate these metals and rebalance our minerals.

Who is this for?

I don't prescribe this test for everyone so feel free to check in with me before ordering.  The following are areas where I find this test is most beneficial. This package is for children or adolescents with the following:

  • ADHD

  • ODD

  • ASD

  • Anxiety/ Depression

  • Slow growth or failure to thrive

  • Multiple allergies

  • Chronic iron deficiency

  • Preparation for puberty

I also use this testing a lot for adults with the following:

  • Osteopenia

  • Osteoporosis

  • ADHD (although - need to look at gut health and blood glucose dysregulation)

  • Chronic Iron deficiency (note that gut testing may be prioritised here to check absorption)

  • Endometriosis (note that gut testing may be prioritised here to check for inflammation and immune dysfunction)

  • Long term smoker (cadmium exposure)

If you already know you would like to purchase this test with a consultation to make a plan, click here, or book in for a free pre-screening call to chat about it here.

My Facebook page is here or follow me on Instagram here.


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