Top Tips to help you poop!
Anyone who’s struggled with this knows how horrible it can be. For some it is an occasional occurrence but for others it can become a constant debilitating condition.
The main treatment options thrown at it can provide temporary relief, of no relief at all if the root cause is not addressed. Many of these treatments are actually bad for our gut microbiome (think laxatives stripping the gut of everything including our gut bacteria) and repetitive regular use is bound to lead to worsening gut issues.
The amount of scientific research into our gut microbiome and having regular bowel motions on our overall health – not just our intestinal health, but for all systems in our body, for weight loss, and our mood – is mind-blowing.
What causes constipation?
There are various causes and contributing factors and for many people its more than one. Some of these include:
1. Diet - Fibre, fibre, fibre. Fibre adds bulk to the stool and helps it pass more easily through the intestines.
2. Lack of Fluid – inadequate fluid intake can also contribute to constipation.
3. Lack of Movement – regular movement helps to stimulate the muscles around the intestines which promote bowel movements. Sedentary lifestyles can contribute to constipation. In circumstances where this isn’t possible, certain massage and stretching techniques can be taught to help alleviate this.
4. Medications – some medications such as antacids, antidepressants, antispasmodics can cause constipation as a side effect.
5. Ignoring the urge to defecate – causes stool to remain in colon for long periods leading to water absorption and hardening of stool within the intestines.
6. Psychological factors – stress or anxiety or depression can affect bowel habits in some people. This puts us into ‘fight or flight’ mode which causes our body to dial down functions such as digestion.
Gut Bacteria - An imbalance in gut bacteria can lead to bowel conditions such as constipation, diarrhoea or flatulence. Assessment by a nutritionist with appropriate stool testing to individualise treatment
8. Other - There are many other reasons including neurological conditions, hormonal conditions, pregnancy and menstruation.
Top Tips to help you poop!
The following tips are able to help regular bowel motions for mild constipation and as preventative measures. In the case of severe constipation, you will need to see a GP who will likely have a feel of your tummy and run some investigations to check for blockages or other relevant tests.
Water - Increase water intake to 2 Litres minimum. Sometimes if bowels are sluggish, having a bit glass of water will stimulate a bowel motion. Fill up a big jug and aim to get through it in the day.
Movement - Incorporate some yoga or walking into your daily routine on waking or before bed.
Top Foods to help you poop!
Certain foods can help alleviate constipation by adding bulk to the stool and promoting regular bowel movements.
Remember, it's important to introduce fibre-rich foods gradually to avoid bloating or gas, especially if you're not used to consuming a lot of fibre.
Here are some top foods that you can gradually introduce to help with constipation:
1. Flaxseed / Linseed Ground
Flaxseeds are rich in fiber and contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help soften the stool and promote bowel movements. They can be added to yogurt, smoothies, or sprinkled over salads or oatmeal. I recommend starting at 1 heaped dessert spoon per day and then increasing to 2.
Make sure you store your ground flax/linseed in a container in the fridge to prevent it going rancid.
2. Kiwi fruit
Kiwi fruit is high in both soluble and insoluble fibre which adds bulk to stool and helps it move along more easily. It contains an enzyme called ‘actinidin’ which is known to aid in digestion by breaking down proteins. This enzyme may have a mild laxative effect.
Studies have shown that 2 Kiwifruit per day with the ‘skin on’ increased stool regularity but if you can’t handle the skin, that’s ok, just eat the flesh.
3. Prunes
Prunes are well-known for their natural laxative effect. They contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that helps soften the stool and promote bowel movements. Prune juice can also be effective in relieving constipation.
I love prunes as they are as a snack however combining with protein is always recommended to also help keep blood glucose balanced. Serving stewed prunes with a cup of yoghurt or eating some nuts first as a snack will help support blood glucose.
4. Olive oil
Olive oil is a natural lubricant for the digestive system and can help soften the stool. Consuming a tablespoon of olive oil with each meal, for example drizzled over salad or veggies, will help to keep your intestines lubricated. It is also a wonderful anti-inflammatory oil.
5. High Fibre foods
Increasing dietary fibre adds bulk to the stool and helps it move through the digestive system more easily. Switching white starchy foods to whole grain high fibre foods will also prevent constipation.
· Whole grains such as oats, barley, and brown rice
· Fruits such as apples, pears, berries, prunes, and oranges (with the peel)
· Vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, spinach, and kale
· Legumes such as beans, lentils, and chickpeas
If this isn’t getting things moving along…..
As with any change, it is important to introduce fibre gradually to avoid any potential discomfort.
There is so much that can be done to alleviate constipation and I have seen people who have battled lifelong constipation completely change their gut microbiome and experience freedom from this condition.
There are so many factors at play with our guts as there is an entire ecosystem of bacteria as well as the effects of neurotransmitters, muscles, hormonal conditions and more. Sometimes some simple changes are needed. Sometimes I need to organise specific stool testing. Every person is unique.
Some questions for you!
Have you had enough of dealing with constipation? Are you ready to fix your gut problems? Are you aware of how vital having a healthy gut is to your overall health? How will fixing your constipation benefit you in your everyday life?
If this is you, it’s vitally important to book an appointment today to work with me on helping you overcome constipation once and for all.